
Families or Households plan (x5 people)

From: £ 3.70 / month for 12 months with a 7-day free trial

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Give to a cause you believe in

After a year we all (in our own way) would describe as difficult we all want to help family, friends, colleagues, cities and, as importantly, the world

So make your next year about what you care about…which includes you! By subscribing with us for a year, and we will #GiveBack part of your subscription with us to your chosen cause… which includes you

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Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

To add, you must be a designated or approved representative of a charity registered with the charity commission of either England and Wales, Scotland, or Northern Ireland. Many are also global causes that we at ProtectBox resonate with, and so we refer to the relevant charities commission for that region. We are adding global causes all the time that we care about. In which case we refer to the charity commission you are registered with.

Adding your organisation is easy. Follow these steps:

  • Search for your cause by name or registered charity ID and then select the cause you represent.
  • Create a “Give + NetZero” administrator account on behalf of your charity, on our website.
  • Verify your email address (please use an email address belonging to your charity.)
  • Add your charity’s bank account information, through WooCommerce, and complete the verification of your charity’s bank information through WooCommerce’s approved and regulated platform.
  • As we always say at ProtectBox “Sharing is Caring” so spread the word to your friends and wait for your (and their!) donations to arrive!

Charities must be registered and in good standing with the charity commission of either England and Wales, Scotland, or Northern Ireland to be eligible to participate. Many are also global causes that we at ProtectBox resonate with, and so we refer to the relevant charities commission for that region. We are adding global causes all the time that we care about. Charities may choose not to participate at any time. Although we aim to include only charities in good standing, we cannot guarantee this.

ProtectBox uses the publicly available information from the charity commission of England and Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. Many of the causes that we at ProtectBox resonate with, are global. So we refer to the relevant charities commission for that region. We are adding global causes all the time that we care about. If you have any issues with the information, please contact the charity commission you are registered with. If we’ve got it wrong, then please contact us to update your details.


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