2022 Trends What To Watch In Cybersecurity, Sustainability & Tech

Kiran Bhagotra
CEO/Founder, ProtectBox
Dec 17th, 2021

Hot on the heels of COP26 comes the new year … the ideal time to set fresh goals. Following the summit, the countries responsible for 89% of the world emissions have set net zero targets. The environment is on almost everyone’s radar. Technology, and therefore cybersecurity, will be key to implementing and measuring net zero activities. With this in mind, here are five sustainability and cybersecurity trends to watch in 2022:

1. Measurable Sustainability
It’s great to see an increasing number of organisations demonstrating their sustainability intentions, involving supply chains and business operations. During 2022, there will be increased demand for measuring the impact of sustainability strategies (McKinsey).

Business decision makers who are socially responsible will increasingly look for data that reinforces and analyses their actions. Measurable sustainability will become a powerful influence regarding investment, customer purchase decisions and recruitment.
This trend links to a core feature of ProtectBox’s marketplace. Our NetZero scores enable a clear understanding suppliers’ carbon impact including any offset activities.

2. Intolerance of Greenwashing
Linked to the need for measurability (above) is consumer demand for data-driven integrity. One of the most impactful outcomes of COP26 is the need for authentic, data-driven sustainability claims; statistics that can be easily compared. A common language for climate issues and sustainability claims is needed. Green credentials will increasingly be questioned and deceptive marketing spins about environmental policies (greenwashing) challenged (Irish Times). Online marketplaces such as ProtectBox compare suppliers’ environmental impact. This enables consumers to easily identify which environmentally responsible purchase decision is right for them.

3. Purposeful Business

Business purpose defines why the organisation exists, therefore differentiating it from mission (why) and visions (for whom). A strong purpose demonstrates commitment to striving for improvement. During 2022, we predict that more businesses will demonstrate a strong environmentally responsible purpose. Most suppliers within the ProtectBox marketplace strive towards NetZero operations.

4. Increased Cybersecurity Awareness
Remote working is here to stay, raising the importance of cybersecurity awareness and training. This is especially true as:

  • 60% of all cyber attacks are caused by human error (Consultancy.uk)
  • Cyber attacks increased by 31% during 2020 with an average of 270 attacks per company over the year. (Accenture)
  • 40% of security breaches are from indirect attacks (Accenture)

Organisations are set to increase online security and support for employees, affecting home and hybrid workers. ProtectBox’s online marketplace makes it quick and easy to identify the ideal cybersecurity solution for each business, assessing tailored bundles for cost and carbon impact.

5. Renewable Energy
Governments are actively setting targets for increased renewable energy use . For example, factories in China are encouraged to limit electricity use to meet central energy and emission goals. The International Energy Agency reports that renewable energy generation grew by 7% in 2020 and 8% in 2021. Expect a greater increase in government target-setting in 2022. ProtectBox’s policy-driven, behaviour-led AI marketplace can be purpose-built for governments to support renewable energy targets.

2022 should be the year of positive change for environmental issues.  A key message of COP26 was that every individual can make a difference, whether acting as a consumer or part of an organisation. ProtectBox works with a range of suppliers offering environmentally responsible options for cybersecurity and other sectors such as agriculture and health.  Letting sellers enter their environmental credentials, alongside expert opinions that we’ve collate. Plus use our intuitive, analytics dashboard for analytics about sales, competitiveness and more. Our new “Suppliers (NetZero) plan” offers the same for those selling carbon assessment, removal, and offsetting services.

Look at our use cases to see this approach come to life … and find out how our award-winning smarter, greener AI marketplace can help you.

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